KOYAMA Kenichi Exhibition-Kimono of Japanese Modern

Tsumugi (a certain kind of Japanese silk) from UEDA, Nagano prefecture is well-known and has been established as a brand.
KOYAMA Kenichi is one of the leading figures in pushing the UEDA TSUMUGI brand forward.
His annual exhibition in Ginza is marked as the 13th this year, nevertheless, Rie ISHIKAWA, the exhibition organiser, claims that each year she meets with nice surprises.

Here are some pictures from this years’ signature works.
Using a fat thread which has been pulled out from silk balls by hands, the textile has a unique touch.
The threads used to be locally made, but there is noone to produce them anymore. On top of that, it is also difficult to procure silk of fine quality. Therefore, what Kenichi bought before is everything that is left, making it all the more precious.

He creates patterns on his kimono by weaving in different colours of threads, thus he pays close attention to the quality of them.
It is all very beautiful to look at, and also makes you want to put it on yourself.
The lady below is wearing Kenichi’s work, on top of which done the special-ordered embroidery in Kyoto style.

You may spot the matching camel motif on both OBI (belt) and kimono. Golden stitches go very well with fresh green kimono, don’t they?
There were a few other customers wearing Kenichi’s works.
“It is not often that we, the creators, get to see our works worn in real” he says happily.

The exhibition is held until the 2nd of February.
Everyone is welcome to come see his works.

Place: Seigetsudo Gallery, Ginza
Open: from 11am~7pm (closes at 5pm on the 2nd)